Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Chai piyo ji, accha chai piyo ji!

Plain Chai, adrak chai, elaichi chai, masala chai, Irani chai, pudina chai, lemon tea,black tea, green tea, ice tea, SP tea, strong tea, light tea and then ‘bed tea’. This is a completely different kind of a chai. No matter what kind of tea, it always tastes better when you have it as bed tea. You get what I mean ;).

When I was a kid I used to hope I had a mild temperature once in a while so I could get to have some tea (part of Tender Love and Care). That’s what most of us hoped as kids I guess. I used to hate exams but looked forward for the study time because my mom would give me chai hoping I would stay up late to study. I used to stay up, to have chai. I used to wake up early to have it. My little brother and I used to wait for my grand mom to make us something she called ‘biscuit tea’ (2 drops of tea in a cup full of milk). The feeling that tea was in there was enough to make us excited.

I have a liking for the street vendors chai. Especially like the glass tumblers they give it in. I also love the kullad chai. During my PG a friend of mine and me would have 1 by 2 every hour (am not exaggerating this).After every hour we used to rush to the chai bandi which was run by an aunty (we called her that too). During my last job, there used to be this boy called ‘Naidu’ who used to bring chai in a flask from some small tea café, twice a day. Mind you, our office did have a Coffee Day coffee machine, but we took into the taste of tea brewed in the same dish for a whole day. Suddenly he disappeared breaking our hearts. And soon we all saw a ray of hope at the street corner, our new ‘adda’. It brings back such nice memories now…even during the hot summer Swathi, Divya, Rachael and me used to go for our daily ‘chai and nankatai’ sessions. Gossip, movie reviews, boss bitching, reasons why con-calls are a waste of time, client dissection, sale strategies (ones in marketing would know this). I wish some day the 4 of us can again go for one more session.

Frankly, I am more of a coffee person, but tea is what I just need some times. Adrak wali chai for the tired times, elaichi chai when in a romantic mood, masala chai during winters, pudina chai with Shalini (she makes it damn good), plain chai with Britannia Marie for chit-chatting afternoons and bed chai on weekends.

BTW- did I mention that my husband makes very good chai!

1 comment:

  1. i also like chai..especially a bed coffee at morning and night too..donno whr i will end up with my nerves?..:)
    nice blog:P
